BETA Competition 2018
4 September 2018 • News
The BETA competition is one of the main events with an euroregional opening (RO, HU, SRB) from the Timișoara architecture biennial BETA, organized by the Romanian Order of Architects – Timiș Territorial Branch.
The BETA competition and its related exhibition supports and promotes quality architecture in all its forms and manifestations, being conceived as a relational interface both within the profession and between the profession and the socio-cultural environment in which it operates.
The competition is open to all those who contribute to the creation of quality architecture in the Euroregion (RO,HU,SRB), of which architects, urbanists, landscape architects, scenographers, light artists, graduates of architecture / interior architecture / urban planning / visual arts / design, engineers, IT-ists, public administrations, NGOs, sociologists, psychologists, critics, theorists, philosophers etc.
Participants can submit works realized in the past two years (finalized projects / proposals / projects that reinterprete the role of architecture, including essays on housing) in the following six categories: 1.Built space, 2.Interior space, 3.Public space, 4.Graduation projects, 5.Initiatives / Experiments / Visions in architecture and 6.Architecture essays.
For entering the competition, the participants will consider the following two deadlines: August 1st (for categories 1-5) and September 10th (for category 6).
The competition is open to the DKMT* euroregion (for 1-3 categories), as well as to the three neighboring countries – Romania, Hungary and Serbia (for categories 4-6).
The submitted works will be evaluated by 2 juries – one for the Architecture Essays category, consisting of 3 members: Catherine Slessor, Ethel Baraona Pohl and Tamar Shafrir, and one for the other 5 categories, consisting of 5 jury members: Attila Kim, Irina Cristea, Grozdana Šišović, Levente Szabó and Oana Stănescu.
The BETA competiton is taking place online, on the website, available in Romanian and English.
More details on eligibility and participation conditions can be obtained by consulting the competition Rules available on the website.
The Timişoara architecture biennial (BETA) is an euroregional platform for dialogue and collaboration, whose main purpose is to improve the processes through which we build our cities.
BETA aims to generate a responsible dialogue regarding architectural education, ongoing education and the architectural practice, as well as to stimulate the involvement and professionalise the dialogue and collaboration methods between the representatives of the administration, the professional body and the civic society.
Photo source: Bienala Timisoreana de Arhitectura
Source: Competition BetaCity